so I have no idea why is it behaving like that but when some object I’m willing to print is too close to the border of the build plate (about 1line on the grid) it seems to lose track of one or sometimes both axises and “cuts” the print creating overlaping lines of plastic. very wierd… scaling down or moving the object more to the center repairs it. Due to that unussual behavior I’m not able to use my whole build area. examples of failed prints below:

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That’s right you’re at the end of the printing area. I know it’s confusing it’s trial and error to get the position right.

You could rotate your object 45degrees to gain more space.

that’s what i thought, well today i’m trying the fourth time to print the endurance from interstellar and this issue was keep coming in my way. When i Finaly got i right after several tries my pc overheated … long day

Hi Matt,

Is the bed size setting in your slicer soft correctly set ? It looks like your print is not centered.

By the way (like someone said on your other thread), using a SD Card is the simplest way to work with the Vertex.

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since I’m using default settings of the printbed size so this and other measurments like such should be correct, well maybe just should better dobule check :slight_smile: and yea I’m getting convinced to the SD card more everyday . It seems that I’ll have to purchase one. thanks :slight_smile:

Some printers have a possible build area of (for example) 20cm on the X axis. As this is the mechanical maximum and this edge shouldn’t be touched while printing, the firmware settings often have a little bit smaller values, in this case probably 18 or 19cm, for safety.

I’m pretty sure, that your printer runs Marlin and you should be able to find the firmware of your printer somewhere online. Get the Arduino IDE at and open your firmware. In the configuration.h there should be values dialed in for maximum build measurements, adjust them according to your needs, but first test, how much space you really have, before crushing your printhead into the printer. As the Marlin firmware is quite a giant to read, it might be difficult to find the lines, that you need to modify. You can use the key combination “control + f” to search for a term, like “endstop” or similar, to speed up the search process. Videos like this one will guide you as well.

Good luck with this,

Marius Breuer

Thank you very much I really appreciate your help :slight_smile:


The Vertex plateforme is 240*210 but yes, the firmware limits to 200*200 (when moving manually by the control panel, you can’t get above).

When you use Auto-Home, the head goes to the up-right corner, setting the origin. Check if the glass build plate isn’t too on the left regarding to the position of the head when at home.

The next step will be to check the slicer. Which soft do you use ?