Hello, I have a monoprice maker select 3D printer that I bought from a friend. Everything was working fine for awhile, but 4 hours into a 6 hour print I came back and the printer had stopped where it was. The printer was on, but it wasn’t moving or extruding. I cleared off the print, made sure there weren’t any clogs and tried to start it again. The problem is when I try to home the printer , the X and Z work fine but the Y budges a little then stops harshly and makes a loud siren type sound until I move it a little bit by hand or manually hit the limit switch, and then it shifts to the correct position.

When I try to jog the printer, the y axis makes abrupt movements with a grinding noise. It will move all the way forward and back but it is very rough movement. I have tried loosening and tightening the belt, and I have replaced the motor and wiring and it is still doing the same thing. I switched the y and z motors wires and the y is still the axis that acts up.

If you have any ideas for why this is happening, please share them below because I have tried everything I can think of.
