Argh! My first experience with 3D Hubs, which looks like a great place, with this one exception! Can people rally to my cause and ask 3DH to change the default to “Ship” instead of “Pickup”?

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Why is that such a problem? You can allways add shipment as an additional service and 3dHubs even asks you for shipment cost when you’re about to accept an order.

You can also include a note in your hub’s description saying “shipment prefered” or similar.

In the worst case you can also select “shipment only” for your hub specification.


Marius Breuer


I should have clarified – I’m a customer, not a printer. Although it seems equally silly for Hubs – really, how many orders get picked up? It probably made sense back at the beginning, but given how many Hubs there are, and how far apart they are – it’s just a basic UI error, IMHO.

Unfortuately for me, basic things that can be easily fixed but HAVEN’T been fixed are my pet peeve. :frowning:


As a hub myself, I’m as surprised as you may be to find that the vast majority are actually picked up. Shipping them seems to very much be the exception for me. How much of this is cause and how much is effect is a fair question to ask, but it does not seem to be wrong or requiring fixing for me or my area. I’m sure it varies per area/region/country though, and I’d be more than happy to change an order from pickup to shipping at any point of the order process if it suits the customer better.

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I fully agree with Marius on this.

To answer your question from my point of view, the vast majority of orders is picked up. Of course there are a few orders from further away, but local customers are the driving force for me.

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Wow, I stand corrected! Thanks for the info. I’ll just have to remember this in the future!


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