Hey, the title says it all really. I Have a da vinci 1.0A an i think im going to commit to flashing it later on, ive seen a few videos on simplyfy3D and a few of the features like manually adding / removing supports, being able to scroll through the model, and another one i saw showing how to set up different infill %'s throughout the model have all got me really keen to use it.

Am i also right in assuming that this software works with the davinci’s without flashing the machine? The flashing would only be worth doing for the case of using any filaments other than the xyz cartridges if thats the case, correct?

The other software i see a lot of online for da vinci’s is the repetier host? I know the da vinci gets flashed with a repetier firmware right? Im not sure if that makes it a better option in terms of it all working correctly. Im pretty new to all this, as my post probably points out!

Im assuming that both work along side the da vinci 1.0A once flashed just fine, putting the price of simplyfy3d aside, which would you lot put forward as the best option?

Thanks - Craig,

Simplify3D is always the best option. Having used several printers, several slicers and using Mac, Windows and Linux all in the same production room simplify always works the best, the fastest and the most reliably. When you use simplify with there 3D print troubleshooting guide you get the benefit of being able to easily diagnose and correct print issues with very specific guidance on how to set and change advanced features. XYZprinting da Vinci 1.0 | Simplify3D Software Print Quality Guide | Simplify3D Software

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Thanks for the reply!

Right, that does sound very promising. Iv’e gone ahead an flashed my printer this morning, an it all seemed to go smoothly. Before i go ahead an splash out £120 on simplyfy3d however i tried downloading a cracked 3.0 version online to try an get a feel for it. I wasnt able to get my printer to connect to it which has now really put me off going ahead an buying it. Im hoping an praying the issue is just down to the fact its an odver version of the software an a cracked one at that. Since trying and failing that iv’e been playing with repeitier host an well, its 1000x’s better than the xyzware i was using so, now im even more so in two minds about which to proceed with lol.

Regards the da vinci link you gave me, i did see that, but on the software i was trying there were zero options in that wizard at the start for printers, im guessing that it would be fine if i go ahead an buy it but… i dont know for sure! Im assuming i would still get full support from simplyfy3d, if i got stuck, for a flashed da vinci, i dont think they would care that its flashed an not default, right?