It is a FDM printer
See sample photo as example
The bread is made of cake with jam in between


Hi there! All FDM printers work by melting materials at a temperature between 180-300C. At those temperatures the molten plastics are somewhat liquid, they start being deformable at lower temperatures 60-120C. As your oven is probably hotter, you should ask hubs, that use other printing techniques, like SLA SLS DLP. Cheers, Marius Breuer

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What about making a mould out of this in food save, heat resistant silicon ?

-You can make a 3D print on your (or any 3D printer from a 3D hubs hub) of the cake shape.

-putt the 3D print on a sheet of foam board, and build 4 walls around this out of foam board

-Then pour food save silicon into this.

Or maybe you can even brush food save silicon onto your 3D print.

Cheers kev.

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