I went to add a 300 micron setting to one of my printers today, and it’s disappeared from the list. I have 300 microns on several options that were added 6 months ago, but I can’t add new settings that have a layer height of 300. It jumps from 250 microns to 400, which is kind of useless to me.


Can someone from the website please reinstate this layer height for me?

In fact, all the layer heights I use (100, 200, and 300) are all missing. Why can’t I use the layer heights that I’ve spent years tweaking and perfecting?


Are you sure you haven’t already used those layer heights in your pricing model?

If you are sure that you haven’t you should contact support directly.

Thanks Zapaer. I wanted to reorder my price points, so was changing some layer heights around. You’re right, when I chose a different layer height, the 300 micron re-appeared. All sorted now.

You’re welcome.