Hello, I’m newbie on this forum. I have got a Wasp Delta 4070, I’ve updated it’s firmware but now it can’t read SD cards… When I plug in the SD card, the LCD display starts to blink and the Printer goes in a restart loop. Can anyone help me?

Hi Paolo,

I think that something wrong has happened… you can retry to flash the firmware, I think.

Are you shure of the firmware version? Please tell me the previous and new firmware versions.

What procedure you followed to update the firmware? All the best. Enrico

Hi i had the same problem and was a problem of the sd Reader. We solved replacing the component. I had warranty so i didn’t Pay nothing

Hi Enrico, I’ve tried to flash many times the firmware. But I think the printer doesn’t receive enough current… If I connect the printer to it’s power supply only it works wrong as I told before, but if I connect the power supply and my computer’s usb to the printer it works in the correct way.

Thanks for your help. Paolo

I’ll try to replace it. Thanks

I’ve got the same trouble 2 month ago, be carefull about your static electricity in your office. Try also to put a piece of rubber in your printer’s knob!

Consider if you had same probelm with the old firmware or not.

The suggestion of the rubber on the knob is good. Ciao.

write to supporto@wasproject.it. There fwuploader its program to avoid these things.

I’ ve solved The problema… It was just The broken ad card slot!