Hey, I’ve been wondering if it is common for the Vertex K8400 to loose connection with the Pc while printing wich causes it to stop and ruin the print by burning it . Maybe you guys know how to prevent it . Thanks

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Dead simple use a SD card =)

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I know but since I don’t own one I’d had to purchase one and to be honest I prefer using my vertex via my pc. Fortunately it dosent happen as frequently as it did before I connected the printer directly to the Pc instead of connecting it to a very handy USB port in my keyboard.

Dies your pc go in sleepmodus? Or mabey because the screensavers jumps in… I disabeld all of these options and did not have any problems with it. But i do prefere sd card.

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Hi Matt,

you have to make sure that you just use a short USB cable, I got the same problem with K8200.

I have a very cable from the controlboard connected to a USB hub, from there you can use long cables,

no problem since then.

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Unfortunately I checked and it’s not the reason since it happened in front of my eyes while I was watching the prints progress :confused: I also unchecked the option that turns off unused devices. Also tried reinstalling the USB drivers , still happens every now and then . Really wierd

I’ll definitely try, thank you for your advice :slight_smile:

Be sure that Repetier is the only program running, deactivate antivirus,skype,teamviewer etc. Try also to change the usb cable,taking this the shortest possible. Have fun :slight_smile:

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Yea that may work, thank you :slight_smile:

Hey matt,

What mine used to do is overheat the power source and thats why it stopped. The problem I had with computer connection was related to the COM port and the repetier software but now everything is fine using Cura. Check if it is any of this problems that I listed and let me know if you need anything else.

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I would add…K8400 does not come with heatsinks on drivers, i just put a complete set,now it goes smoother on longer prints :wink:

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Wow, that’s unfortunate! Good thing you were there! Let us know if you find a solution that works. Good luck!