The Bike Project is an ambitious undertaking to figure out how 3D printing can change the way we think about bicycles. There’s some great examples of one-off prototypes and open source designs out there, but (almost) no one has managed to overcome the hurdles of making a 3D printed bicycle people actually want to build/buy.

We’re currently neighbours of 3D Hubs HQ and have been inspired to reach out to this awesome community. Instead of just sitting in a room and designing what we think is a pretty cool bike, we want to work with you guys and see what features you find most important.

Something we are specifically interested in for a number of reasons are children’s bicycles. Those available on the market today are scaled down versions of adult bicycles, we want to re-imagine what a kid’s bike can be with 3D printing.

So if you’re a Maker parent or know someone who is, please drop us an email at and we’ll be in touch!

If you’re not a Maker parent but still interested in staying up to date with our progress, you can tell us in the comments below or via our website: - we’d love to hear your feedback and ideas, whether you are a parent or not!


Hey guysm @Quintenva and @ worked on this awesome scale model bicycle, they might have some input for you guys too: Talk Manufacturing | Hubs. Cheers

Thanks for the link Gabriela! We’ll definitely try to get in touch with them

It’s really cool to have neighbors like this! Building a full scale bike was on top of our heads for a while now, but just had no idea how to start! Happy that we have met.
Check our new friends @


@Tiesdenh Nice work! Have you guys seen Colorfabb’s road bike? 3D Printed Bike - Learn ColorFabb @ can probably tell you more about it.

Keep up the good work!

Hi Luuk,

thanks! yea, we think it’s an awesome project and definitely a step in the right direction. We’re very interested in seeing what the long-term response will be to that design. @Bernard has already been so kind as to reach out to them for us =)

@ looks pretty cool, would love to meet/chat about 3D printing if they’re interested!

Hi @Tiesdenh, cool project! I’d love to be able to help you out with something, not sure what I can do for you but I like bikes and did a little project on a scaled down mountain bike ( Let me know if I can do anything for/with you guys.



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This I’ve gotta see! What’s the status of the project so far?

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