So I just got the qidi tech 1 printer and I am able to run the test files with no problem from the SD card but when I export an stl file on to the SD card to print it doesnt even show that it is on the card. I am sure it’s just me not doing something I am supposed to before exporting. But if some one could help me out that would be great.


You need a slicer that can export in x3g, slice the STL files and put the x3g on the sd card.

Have you found the solution? Triple check the file destination, try a different card, is the card locked? is the slicer set up for the Qidi?

I really enjoy Simplify3d for slicing software…but others work great! I love this machine!!! I think you will love this machine after you get it printing well! :slight_smile: Best wishes and good luck! :slight_smile:

You need to run the STL through a slicer which will then export it.

One thing is that the QIDI Tech-1 uses the x3g format and not gcode. x3g is converted from gcode and slicers like Simplify 3D and Flashprint can do this automatically. Others like Slic3r and Cura will need to run a post process to convert.

S3D is the best choice for these printers I feel, but it costs to get it. An option is to download Flashprint and select the Flashforge Creator Pro as the printer.

I also own the X-one, and you’ll need to run the stl files you would like to print through a slicer in order to generate the gcode for them. That is what the printer is looking for on the sd card. The slicer software the the X-one uses is actually included on the SD card itself. It should be in a folder. I believe that there are also instructions included on how to install that software. That’ll be the first step. Let me know how that goes, and I can help you from there.

The slicer is a form of Cura, and it works quite well when the settings are tuned to your liking. As far as I know the X-one can run both gcode and x3g file types for printing.

He has a Tech-1 not X-one!

But, the included Cura variant that comes with the X-one isn’t a bad start.


Heh, maybe I should have put my glasses on before attempting to read through that.

I’ve been using the Cura variant for awhile and it seems to work quite well with the X-one, probably just as well with the Tech-1 too.

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Never really used Cura other than with the X-one. Only thing for the Tech-1 would be converting the gcode to x3g. Not a big deal to do though.

Thank you very much for your help I will check it out when I get home from work. I don’t have a slicer downloaded yet so that has to be my problem

Thank you for that info too. I am looking to get S3D just don’t have the money to put out right now due to bills, etc.

You can do ok without it but you will probably eventually want it.

Look for Flashprint from Flashforge. It is free and works well with the QIDI Tech-1 just select the Creator Pro as the printer. You will also have to save/export the prepared file to SD card in order to print. When saved to SD card or other folder then moved to SD card you will see 2 files. 1 will be a gcode file and 1 will be a x3g file. The x3g is the one the Tech-1 wants. It is simply a converted gcode file.

Flashprint only hooks up via USB for updates so don’t do it!!!

I will definitly try that out when I get home and thanks again for the help

Anytime. Check out our QIDI group on Facebook if you want. QIDI 3D I think it is!

I’ve heard you could download Simplified 3D for free (yes I know it’s a paid application so it’s pirate…whatever).

Yeah I have heard that too it’s just a matter of finding it. My friend checked his sources for me already and couldn’t find it.