Today I ran into a problem with the stepping motor on my Wanhao I3 plus.

I was printing a model last night and it printed perfectly but when I went to do another model this morning it didn’t print. the filament was not being pulled through. I took the fan off so that I could get a look inside and there was nothing blocking it.

I tried putting the filament through just the motor while cleaning the hot end and its definitely the motor thats the issue, when loading the filament it wasn’t running smoothly. It was making a click sound and turning a tiny bit once every second (roughly) it did this with and without filament.

I also tried seeing what it would do if I had it on unload filament. it did a 180* turn every second or so and made a worrying grating sound ( this sound lessened when I pulled the filament release down )

I have only had this printer for little over a year now and it has only gone through about 7kg of spool?