Got a sitall bed for my printer (10x10) (!product/prd13/4470713341/sitall-glass-u3d-257x257mm) to try and win my ongoing war with warping.

Also I have a ultimaker at work and I fell in love with the idea of taking the whole bed off between prints.

Now that I got the bed I have to figure out how to attach it so it is easily removable. Problem is I cant get to the front/back fastener gaps that I’ve seen a lot of people use and the side rails don’t have a lot of clearance. Any clever people out there already solved this problem? I’m thinking magnets but I’m worried about sliding during y-travel. Or ulta thin clamps if I can find anything.

When I find a successful solution I’ll post it here.

The glue holding my bed magnets in place gave up a long time ago (since purchase in fact). This causes some bed wobble which I think leads to some inaccuracy during bed levelling. I recently bought some table cloth clips which are thin enough to slip inside the gap during y travel and provide good enough pressure to stop the wobble. Havent run a long print since fitting but might be worthy of investigation. Ebay is a good source

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Your the man. Thats exactly what I was looking for I just didn’t have a name for it. thanks.

Their website says to use 4 to 6 mini bulldog clips, which I believe are the black V-shaped paper clips! I’ve seen them used in Youtube videos on other print beds.

I tried using them but (1) their metal actuators (for lack of a better term) stick out to far in the x direction so you have to fold them under which is difficult. (2) I haven’t found ones small enough to not bump the z column supports as it travels in the and (3) they are wider than I would like forcing themselves into the actual print surface.

You can try pinching the arms to remove them from their mounting holes leaving just the clip behind and in reverse when you need to remove the clips.

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you sir are a genius. I already bought the table cloth clips and the binder clips I have laying around are a little too wide but this is definitely doable as a second option.