
in Simplify3D the right extruder and the heated plattform have the temperature identifier T0.

Can this be correct?
Settings are:

right = T0

left = T1

plattform = T0

Yes. The right extruder or if single extruder is T0 and the bed also is T0. The bed and extruders are additionally identified differently in the G-Code.

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Thanks! Now I understand it :slight_smile:

Short answer: Yes!

Boring (but still pretty short) answer: Yes. The two extruders are identified differently, because you may want to have different temperatures for each. So the right (or single extruder) will be T0, and the left extruder will be T1. However, the bed will also be T0. Luckily, this is OKAY because the bed and extruder are differentiated further on in the G-Code.

I hope this helps!


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