I just borrowed a makerbot replicator 2x. I have used the same printer at work often. I tried using this one and got SD card read error. I tried plug in in the USB and my computer does not recognize it. I also can not find a single 2gb sd card because no one sells them. I reformated and partitioned an 8gb car so the only partion was 2gb and fat16 but that still gives me sd card read error. Any help would be appreciated before I loose all of my hair.

Thanks you

In the first year with my 2x I had similar issues once and a while. MakerBot sent me a new controller. 2gb sd cards can be bought online or Walmart a couple years ago. I bought extras when I found them.

I ran into the same issue when i got my first 2X and it was an easy fix. Take some compressed air and blowout the card slot and that should fix the issue. I tried to use a larger SD card and did the trick you did and it did not work. I think you can still get the 2GB cards on Amazon and Ebay.

I had same problems, you have to use a good quality 2gb or smaller sd, and also in this way it’s possible to have some errors, for these reason I format the sd every time i’ve to save a new file.

must be FAT16, most likely you did a quick format and it’s still exFAT

I have 2 makerbot rep2s. One of them quit reading SD cards a while ago. I can put the working SD card into that machine and it won’t read. So I know it’s not the card that is the problem. I had heard that sometimes a piece of debris could get in there and cause a reader problem, but I’ve looked and can’t see anything. I just run off of USB for that one. Never had a problem recognizing the printer. It may have some issues I would guess with the interface

I have a similar issue, my SD card died and I’ve had to plug it in via USB and only use the old Makerbot desktop software which recognises the USB… There is a different firmware you can install which apparently reads all sizes of SD card http://www.sailfishfirmware.com/ but i’ve been to scared to install it.

I have not tried the old makerbot software, only makerbot print which wont recognize by USB. I got it connected via USB using ReplicatorG. It works well but I am not a fan of the interface. I have someone bringing me some old 2gb and smaller sd card this weekend I will try. I haven’t tried the sailfish firmware because the printer is not mine and I don’t want to mess with it.

No I partitioned it to 2gb which allowed me to format to fat16.

Thank you for the tip.

I will be getting some old 2gb and lower cards this weekend. I will try compressed air if they still do not work.

Thanks for the reply. That must be frustrating. I at least got the USB transfer working so if all else fails I can rely on that moving forward.

Use this formatter for SD cards. Formatting via Windows can be problematic for some printers.


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This is probably not the issue in your case but at one time I thought my old SD card had died but in reality I just had to purge the files from it. Once I deleted the old files it started working again.


You can only use a 2GB card. I tried to do what you had done in a larger card and it does not work. Try looking for microSD cards, I have one of those from an old phone.


i use a 8gb and no problem

try to format the SD with https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter\_4/

leave it blank whenn first insert

Hey guys,

I got some older 2gb or less sd cards and they work!

Thanks for all the help.