Since repeat business is now going to change our rankings, it would be nice to be able to send all our previous customers an email with a discount code for their next order. I know customers can enter something called a voucher code, but I’m not sure how to set one up. And is there any way to send a marketing email to some or all of my previous customers through your site?





you can use the messages under the “old” orders.

I would not use voucher codes, as they would apply to any order at any hub.

you simply have to tell the customer to remind you to give a discount next time. They will remeber…



Yeah, I usually give customers a postal discount if the postage was way under what was quoted for. I have to keep track of them all. It would be good just to get some kind of grouping or sorting of orders based on customer - so you can see what they have ordered with you in the past.

Even recalling that the customer is a repeat user is still based on memory without any mechanism to alert you… even that would be handy! :slight_smile:



But that would mean I would have to go into every old order to do it! And I would have to be careful not to send to the same customer twice. And why can’t I create a discount code, called “repeat10” for example, that I could send to all or some of my old customers to give them 10% off their next order?

I guess what I’m suggesting is that since 3d Hubs is going to rank us based on repeat business in part (because repeat business is good for them as well as us), then they should consider developing some business marketing tools that would help us bring business back to our hubs (and their platform)!

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Agree on the customer tools side - now that repeat custom (most of my work is within a select group of existing users) it would be good to get some customer and repeat custom “tools” to help aid and expand on this feature.



It could be nice if it tells you how many past orders the client has placed with your Hub! This should definitely be a feature in their next platform update.