Hi all,

My machine is a Creatbot DX02. I mostly print in ABS. I recently upgraded to the latest version of Creatware and now my raft settings don’t work anymore. The raft layer is fused to the part and requires a lot of sanding to remove it.

Was wondering if there is anyone out there willing to share their settings.

Current Raft Settings:

Extra margin (mm) = 10mm

Line spacing (mm) = 2

Base Thickness (mm) = 0.2

Thickness (mm) = 0.2

Air Gap (mm) = 0.2

Layers = 2

Thanks in advance.


@victorp @ferkan are you able to share yours? Cheers


I have included my settings in the previous post but here it is again.

My current raft settings after the upgrade.

Current Raft Settings:

Extra margin (mm) = 10mm

Line spacing (mm) = 2

Base Thickness (mm) = 0.2

Thickness (mm) = 0.2

Air Gap (mm) = 0.2

Layers = 2

