Hello All,

I am wondering if anyone could help. I purchased a Prusa i3 Pro B around a month ago, after some initial teething issues and problems i got it running to a point where the prints were okay quality, not perfect but nothing i didn’t feel some fine tuning and temperature adjustments wouldn’t later resolve.

Now up until this point all my prints have been from SD card which was supplied using test prints from thingiverse, mainly the 20mm cubes and such. These printed with different settings helped me understand what was going on and what needed changing.

I connected the printer to my Pc using the supplied USB cable and my system recognizes something new is being plugged in but doesn’t install drivers. After looking through device manager I find what appears to be the printer but i cannot for the life of me get any drivers installed.

I have scoured around looking for something that i must be missing but so far i have come up empty handed.

I have Cura which is what Im solely using to print. I feel that i cannot delve further into 3D printing by solely using an SD card to print.

I have messaged the seller who responded this morning with: “Dear customer, don’t worry, we recommend that you use the SD card to print the models, We have a lot of customers, including our own is done with SD card printing, it can work well, you can try, Many thanks.”

I have replied but i am not holding out much hope of getting this solved with them.

Any help at all would be much appreciated!

What operating system? Try connecting the printer, wait for the computer to stop doing whatever it does, then press the reset button on the printers board. This works with my XP laptop and various ramps boards.

Just got home and gave this a try on two desktops both running windows 8, just tried it on a laptop running windows 7 and no joy.

Still nothing back from the seller yet.

Something you should look for, check if your belts are tightened enough, sometimes you need to tighten them. Also you don’t really need to connect your printer to your computer, but slic3r has worked when I connect my printer.

Do you know what type of controller board is on your Prusa?

Looking up your printer online, it looks like it uses a Mega2560 variant. Try downloading and installing the Arduino Software IDE, which contains drivers for all of the Arduino boards.

You can get the most current version here: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software

Or, if your firmware is old enough, you may have to use the 1.0.5 version, which you can download here: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/OldSoftwareReleases#previous

As I was closing out windows, I saw a link on the Geeetech website where they recommend downloading the 1.0.1 version of Arduino to get the drivers.

I lerarned from here:

And I LOVE my i3 pro b and have made some cheap but effective mods…

[URL=Photo and Video Storage | Photobucket][IMG]http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s405/AutoWiz/12\_20.jpg\[/IMG\]\[/URL\]