i have a tevo black widow, using cura 15.04.3 when i load my .stl file it prints opposite. it sounds a bit weird but if i move the image on the cura board it is the opposite side to the tevo bed, if that makes sense. it prints fine but should it do that?

has anyone else had this issue?

thanks neil

Hey Neil, It sounds like a mirroring problem. First could you confirm here on the correct print direction? You can check this by printing letters or numbers… If the output is mirrored please switch the respective axis’ stepper motor direction by changing it in firmware or by simply reconnecting the motor’s connector in the reverse direction on the board.

hi, thanks for the reply.

i confirmed print direction today by printing a capitol ‘F’ seemed a good idea lol (see attached pics) it seems as though it was printing upside down? i tried changing the stepper motors but no luck. when i switched ‘X’ and ‘Y’ it printed at 90 deg to the bed. i will go through the set up guide again tonight and see if there is something i missed

thanks neil

If you tevo black widow prints the object opposite, I think there could be some setting troubles in the 3D printer. Check the extruder settings. Loading the image opposite is certainly a weird idea but you could try this for once.