Hey Guys,

I am currently promoting my new project on Kickstarter.


Was hoping to get some feedback or any potential backers so I can continue with my work. We focus our work on 3D Printing Geoscience such as the 3D scanning of fossils, fluid simulation in rock surfaces and the generation of 3D terrain.

Thanks for taking a look!

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Will you offer an open and free database of the fossil scans you perform for sites with their own printers?

If not an open database, then would you offer a file streaming choice for the option of these prints to occur locally?

Is non-invasive fossil scanning through ground penetrating radar something you’ve considered?

Hi @AtomJaay,

We are exploring a number of options such as, offering low resolution scans for sites with their own printers, thus ourselves obtaining high quality scans. However we would offer all our scans through an online database from our website if we have the funding.

Regarding non-invasive fossil scanning, this is not something we are capable of performing at this present time. However techniques such as GPR would be of great interest to us.


Alex Clarke