Does anyone have tips on how to reduce or prevent oozing, especially when printing ninjaflex on a dual extruder setup? I’m going to try using HIPS for support material, and I’d like to print large batches of parts without need for heavy cleanup, and no messed up parts due to ooze globs falling into the print.

I’m also going to be printing some PLA parts in large quantity, and I’d like to reduce cleanup on those as well.

Any advice? Maybe there’s a fancy nozzle that helps with this?


Ah ha. So someone *has* done this before (

Don’t print too hot as increasing the nozzle temperature makes the material more “runny”. If you use Simplify3D as a slicer, there are some different values to play with, to improve the surface quality, but most of all you should print slow. Make sure, that you print with a very clean nozzle, you can use a very soft wire brush or cloth to remove any residue, you should heat the nozzle to approx. 150-200C for cleaning, maybe a bit hotter, depending on the printing material. Also a bit lubricant on the guiding rods of the printer, will cause it to run smother, maybe creating better details and sharper edges. Increasing the cooling fans power will reduce the amount of strings during travel movements, but too much cooling may cool the nozzle and can result in reduced strength between the layers. Just play around with test pieces, that you can find on thingiverse etc. Cheers, Marius Breuer