
I just got my wasp and feel its a great printer but we all know with open source you need to play around with settings. This is not my first printer so I know a fare amount about them. So I use simplify3d with all my printer (ones that use gcode) just copied the script from cura to simplify3d. Everything works great no problems at all. But i noticed the layers are offset not really really bad but very noticeable. Does anyone have any idea what this could be??? On my PC will upload pics tommarow.

Hi, i’m an italian WASP user (and seller). I don’t use siplify 3D, but using Cura all works perfectly…

If I have understood your problem is the irregular print in Z axis direction…

Which filament you are printing with? Maybe nozzle temp too high? Try same object with another slicer. Some week ago I had this problem, then I resliced the object with Slic3r and the print was ok.

Not the same program may be the best in all situations.

Happy year and happy prints to everybody (http://www.cosmo3d.it).

Hello, so I tried cura and it still did it a little but not as bad. I’m running a test print from the sd card provided with the printer. First few few layers look extremely good then it offsets. I’m not home now but will check the test part and post a update. I have never owned a delta style printer before. Just the square style. Belts seem tight and no odd noises. Not running at a high speed either.

If I understood correctly the layers are “shifted” from one another? Do you get the same issue and to the same extent if you try to print at different speeds?

yes i have tried eveything!!!

ok i dont get this dam printer after trying my print over and over i try a vase and its amazing!!!