Can anyone help with a graphics glitch we are getting in Objet Studio V9.0.10.7

The graphics in this program have always been glitchy, particularly
when moving parts around, but now all our parts surfaces seemed to have flipped inside out, which makes it quite difficult to see parts!

See example below with a simple cube.

We are running Windows 10 32-bit

AMD Radeon HD 5450

Intel Core i5-2500 CPU @ 3.3GHz

4.00GB RAM

We have had our machine since 2011, but haven’t have any software updates made avaliable to us since V9.0.10.7.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Hey G2Design,

I think I know what’s happening here. Do the faces flicker when you move it, like appear at one area, but when you move it it disappears? If so then you’ve probably got two faces overlapping in the exact same place. Basically you’ll have two faces merged into one to create an impossible geometry mess. It just confuses the software causing it to look ‘glitchy’.

I’m not sure if you can do this easily with your software but you want to delete the faces, but no edges, until there are no faces left. Then using the edges create a new face.

Hope this helps you out.

Thanks for the reply.

Yes- when the part is moved it actually flips out the surfaces and looks fine, but then reverts back.

Unfortunately it is doing this with every single part I bring in no matter what geometry. The cube in question is just one example, and there are no overlapping/duplicate surfaces.

I can’t pin point exactly when this started, but may be coincidental with upgrading to windows 10.

I presume you are using the same software version?


Plus, notice how even the part bed has the same glitch going on.

Alright. I’m not entirely sure what the problem is so it’d probably your software. No I haven’t used that software, but similar things have happened with software I’ve used before.

Thanks, I appreciate your comments.

Can somebody provide me a link with the OBJET STUDIO software to download?

I just bought a used EDEN 500V, it comes with the original CDs but I cannot read them from my PCs.

Maybe CDs got damaged with the years. I am in Japan and here support sucks…

Thank you in advance.
