Hi. I’m from India and I’m so excited to be a part of 3DHub by listing as a Hub. Please help me if you know anything about the formalities or paperworks needed to be done. Besides, let me know what do you think about this http://www.amazon.in/Rapid-Rabit-Prusa-i3-printer/dp/B019IHPY8I/ref=sr\_1\_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1486523631&sr=8-7&keywords=3d+printer for a beginner like me.

Thanks in advance.

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Hi @Ann01, welcome! There are no formalities nor any paperwork involved in order to become a Hub. The only requirement is that you own a 3D printer and know how to use it :slight_smile:

If you do, you can sign up to become a Hub straight away!