
I´ve got a Felix 3.1 Printer. My first print went really well. but now all my prints have these nasty errors and all my efforts are failing.

the marvin print for example has a smooth back, but the face is all clogged.

This Lamp has the same errors, i´ve marked them red, because after a while these borders appear at some places and cause the failed prints.

My settings are 190°C Extruder Temp. Slow print speed, and i´ve tried to reduce the extrusion rate from 100% to 90%

The Bed-Temp is 55°C

The last picture is my very first print it has nearly the same settings, it only was a little faster.

Some help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Define “slow print speed”. It doesn’t look the areas that you pointed out are not getting enough time to cools down before the next layer is put down. I would recommend printing slower for the marvin than what you are printing now. Also try printing with the bed temp off and on painter’s tape instead. Otherwise get a small fan to blow air gently onto the print.

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slow print speed is 30mm/s. there is already a fan blowing onto the print, I think this is the reason why the left side is ok and the right not, because the fan is blowing on the left side.

But thank you very much, i will try to print even slower

I should rephrase that. I did mean a second fan to blow air onto the print. For my printrbot for tiny prints, I have this type of fan propped up in front of my printer: http://www.amazon.com/Thermaltake-Mobile-External-Cooling-AF0007/dp/B002OJN250?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref\_=oh\_aui\_detailpage\_o08\_s00