Hi all,

I recently bought my first 3d printer which is a CTC Prusa i3 copy. I finished the assembly and everything seemed to work fine (X, Y and Z axis motor, heated plate, control from LCD Screen…) But when I tried to print from my PC with the USB cord (Simplify 3D or Cura as the 3d print software), the printer wasn’t detected by the software… Even if my PC made a little noise confirming it did detected that something was connected. So this is problem number one.

Next problem is that I tried to print using my 4gb SD card on the LCD screen, the screen detected that a card was inserted but when I was about to print from it, it told me that there was no SD card…

If someone could help me with that I would really appreciate it.


did you check the compatibility of your laptop with the software and the printer?

Sounds like a software issue with the machine. Best thing to do would be to contact their support.

You’ll need to install drivers for the printer on the computer. What ever they sent for software etc. with the printer. Next is the printer will most likely only be identified as a Comm port. So you will need to make sure that the correct Comm port and baud rate (115200 is common) are selected in S3D.

With the printer unplugged go to device manager and look at the Comm ports and note what are available. then plug in the printer and see if a new one shows up. that should be the one the printer is to use.

Also, use USB2 ports not 3 and make sure the cable is under 15 feet and no hubs, extension etc.

Hi Alex,

Did you ever get your CTC Prusa i3 copy to print from the SD Card?

I have just bought one, and it is the same as yours, in that it knows the card is inserted, but when I go in the menu to the card, it says No Card.

So if you did fix yours I would appreciate knowing what you did.

Thanks a Lot


Hey Terry,

No I did not succeed to print from SD Card even if I changed the LCD screen. I didn’t hustle on that subject so I am just printing from Cura/Simplify 3D


Hi Alex,

Thanks for answering, my Display was faulty when I got it (missing the third line on the display), so they sent me a new one.

But that did not fix the SD card reader either.

Will do the same as you and print from PC for now.

But I would like to fix it, if you ever do please let me know.

Many Thanks


Hi Alex,

I have been trying lots of things to get my SD card reader (on Printer ) to work.

And this now works for me.

First, I installed Repetier Host V 2.0.5

I loaded a 3d object file (.stl file)

Then I sliced it (it found the Cura Engine to do this)

Then I saved it for SD Card Print

And finally I found that I had to save it to a Micro SD card inserted into an SD card adapter (ordinary SD cards would not work)

Give it a try, hope it works for you
