Good Morning!

I realize that this is a Makerbot 101 question, but here goes! I am connected to my printer via the network and it works well. My question is, Do I need to keep my laptop connected to the network for the entirety of the print or can I disconnect once it starts printing?

Thanks much!


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It needs to remain connected. Or you could use an sd card

Thanks Peter! If I disconnect and re-connect will it start back up or will it just stop and the print will be lost?

Thanks again,


Any interference. Eg. Windows update, and the print is lost

I have a 5th gen, and I recently just realized that you dont even need to keep the USB attached when printing from the usb port.

Direct USB cable printing: Can Disconnect

USB stick printing: Can Disconnect

Network printing: Can Disconnect

Yes, you can instead use a flash drive or print from your cloud services.

Just a quick update. My print was going for a good hour or so, I disconnected my laptop to go to a meeting (after saying a quick prayer) and am happy to report that the print is still percolating nicely and seems to have no ill effects from the unplugging. YMMV!

Thanks for all the generous help,


Which printer? You never mentioned.

Duh, sorry…my bad. Makerbot 5th gen.

Then forget everything I said.

You would be absolutely pleased to know that you do need to keep your printer connected every time. You could disconnect it when required and you would face no troubles whatsoever.