
I’ve got a form1+.

Unfortunatly, I do have some problems with the platform. Now I’ve got a new peel motor, but I am very unsure with the install of it.

Can anyone help me with the install of the peel motor? I do have an installation guide.

I am looking for someone in the region of Weert, Eindhoven, Sittard, Maastricht or Roermond.

Many thanks!

Best regards,



Did you contact formlabs? If you didn’t I wood contact them before doing anything with your machine. I’m sure they’ll fix you right up in now time. Jake,

Hello Jake, I did contact them. They have send me the new peel motor and the installation guide. But I am just not sure enough to install it on my own. So, I hope that someone could help me with it in real. Best regards, René

Hi René,

I’m not in any of those regions, but I just went through the same process of replacing the peel motor on our Form1+. I encountered few areas of confusion with their guide and sent the Formlabs support team my feedback, as well as pictures. The entire process took me a bit longer than an hour, because I was extra careful not to damage the mirror.

Since I don’t live near you (I’m in Texas in the U.S.), I can’t help in-person, but I’d be willing to set up a Skype session with a video camera to help you walk through the process. I also can forward you the pictures I took that help clear up confusion on their installation guide. I can forward that email to you, if you send me your info.

Hope I can help and provide more tips!



Hello Zack, If I can not find anyone in my near a Skype session would be helpfull. But, If you can send the photos, that would be great. Please send them to my mail: 3drene.weert@gmail.com Best regards, René

Hi René,

I have had the same problem. But with the installation guide it worked without any problem. The only thing is: you have to follow the guide step by step. In the guide I received (3 weeks ago) I found no logical error.

If necessary I can sent you the manual I received. Also we can make a phone conference if you want. I am not close to you (close to Munich) but in the same time zone. :wink:



Hello Alfred, Thanks for your reaction. I guess. I have the samen manual. But I really hope someone closer will react. Best regards, René

Hey Rene,

We repair 3D printers so if you want to come in we can have a look. Would Friday 5pm work for you?


Hello Maya,

you are in the United States?

I live in the Netherlands, so its a bit far away… :slight_smile:

Best regards,


Sorry, I didn’t realize so we wouldn’t be able to help you in shop seeing as we are in the US.


No problem Maya, still thanks for the offer :).

Best regards,


if it was in amsterdam i could help you out, i had to change one myself.

good luck with changing it. it shouldn’t be too hard.


Best regards,
