
Can be viewed here:

For a bit more clarification from the Thingiverse description:

I printed this on my Robo3D R1 with the E3D Volcano add-on and the new .4mm nozzle for that hot end.

Print settings were the default Simplify3D settings for PLA with High Quality and adjusting the temperature at the start of the program from the 195C given by that program to 185C since the Volcano’s melt-zone is so long it would make the wood fibers dry out at higher temperatures.


oh wow! So the standard temperature was good enough for the Wood filament? have you tried any other exotic material?

Standard temp worked for the short amount of time the Marvin took to print, but more recent, longer prints that I’ve attempted have shown that I should run temps at 175 on the nozzle because the wood filament dries out too fast at higher temps. Edit: I said 185 in the OP, but more fine-tuning showed that 175 would work as well and lower the amount of dry-out even more.

So good to see the first Robo3D Marvin here on Talk :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing, Daniel! Looks like a really good print, although it’s hard to see because of the red background. Next time, you might want to try a background that leaves room for a bit more contrast. What do you think?

Have you successfully printed the Marvin with PLA?

Are you having trouble printing it? :wink:

I’m having trouble with Marvin on my Robo 3D.