A very warm welcome to West Coast mayors Bryan & Maya Jaycox, of The Build Shop’s Hub in LA, your friendly neighborhood hackerspace!

In 2001 Bryan founded The Build Shop, LA’s first 3D print and laser cutting shop, which he runs together with Maya. The shop was born out of Bryan’s vision to make the high tech tools that were available to him in his graduate studies at USC available to others. He wanted not to just grant access to any 3D printer or a laser cutter, but to the best high-end tools used by design professionals.

Bryan’s favorite print is the first model he ever made…

….while Maya has a 3D printed Christmas ornament she treasures.

These two are naturally wonderful hosts and it’s really evident in the way they warmly welcome members of the LA community into their shop for meetups as they emphasize the importance of getting together with a community of people who share the same passions.

This weekend they are hosting their 6th meetup and attendees will have an opportunity to find out about and Experience New Filament, after which guest speaker Pascal Engelhardt will give a live demo of how he uses ZBrush as a modeling tool.

Meet them there!


Great to e-meet you, guys @The_Build_Shop! How did the meetup go?