It’s about time you guys meet some of the people responsible for all the cool new features on our website!

So I hereby present you @ludoh, one of the many wizs who recently joined our development team. In case you’re wondering, in the few months he’s been with us, among other features, he added the ability to follow tags on Talk. Oh, yes!

But is Ludo into 3D printing, you might be asking? ‘I actually really like the 3d scan / print of myself, done by the guys at It’s really cool to have a mini-me of yourself.’ Granted, the mini-me is pretty cool, so we’ll leave it to that :wink:

Let’s give Ludo a warm welcome and if you have any questions for this dev, here’s your chance to do it :wink:



Your print looks great @ludoh!

Hi @ludoh

i’m starting with a question / bug report. :smiley:

During the last weeks i got errors (with the 3dhubs error page) while sending messages, in orders or normal conversations. Nothing special but it feels like it get them more and more often since 2-3 weeks.

Hey @obelix it’s something we’re monitoring and we’re actually going to look into coming week. With the order volume growing some parts of the site are becoming a bottleneck causing unexpected deadlocks in the DB sometimes. It should get a lot better over the coming weeks though!

Cool. It wasn’t really a big issue since going back one step and performing the same operation again did the trick.

Welcome @ludoh, great to have you on board!

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That’s really cool! The miniature is cute :slight_smile: