Meet Barry, the latest guy to jump on the 3D Hubs bandwagon, our brand new Community Manager for The Netherlands! Barry will help the local 3D print community organizing awesome meetups and support all the Dutch Hubs and Mayors. So if you’re up for organizing an event or simply catch up on the latest of 3D Hubs in the Netherland, don’t hesitate to email him here.

His plans for the next few months involve growing the local community through developing nice initiatives and encouraging projects relevant to the 3D printing scene, and of course engaging with its members.

In his time off, Barry likes to play football and from time to time he edges it up a notch with a bit of surfing. Printing some surfing gear anyone?

Check out his first print, made in @ColorFabb’s Woodfill - you can find it here:

And now the newest player is set to enter the game. Let’s give him a warm welcome!



Welkom Burgemeester!


Hi Barry,

welcome to our wonderful and exciting community!!

You will defenitely like it and I hope to meet you soon!

Kind regards, Guy


Warm welcome Barry! I hope you’ll enjoy 3D Hubs as much as you enjoy the dutch clear water :slight_smile:

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Welcome Barry! Excited to have you aboard.