I have product that I need printed but is 96" L x 4"W x 2.5" h. Does anyone have a printer that would handle something this long. Thanks in advance.

I think you’re very unlikely to find a printer that can do that in one piece, unless someone has a custom built printer.

We can print things up to 1000 x 800 x 500mm using polyjet which is pretty much the biggest printer you will find.

What is the application? 3D Printed items are often done in sections then glued/fixed together - is this something you’d rule out?

Hi, Yes I have ruled out any glue pieces together. My design is a subject for Extrusion, but looking for a few full complete prototypes prior to up fronting the tooling cost for extrusion die.

Fair enough! If you find a printer that big do post on here because I would love to know. Just wanted to say, don’t rule out sections from a strength point of view. We’ve made big parts in Pla and joined with solvent for example. This creates a chemical bond which can be as strong or stronger than that between the normal layers. It all depends on the materials and adhesive used. An alternative could be to print a mould in sections then cast the whole thing as one. Obviously this depends on the profile and brings a while new set of challenges at this scale!