I’m having problems printing the Marvin keychain. As the title explains, he’s coming unstuck from the heated bed of the Lulzbot Mini and getting stuck to and moved around by the extruder (poor Marvin!). I have tried changing the flow rate, sprint speed, and bed temperature but he seems to be coming loose around the same spot during the print (besides attempt #4 which went very wrong).

This is my first print where I have had this issue. Are there any other variables I should be experimenting with? I’d rather not have to print a brim if I don’t have to.


Get some isopropyl alcohol (check what else is in it - it should be only alcohol and water - no lubricants like some rubbing alcohols) and clean the bed. It can make a huge difference.

What slicer are you using? I had this problem when I used slic3r. When I looked into the gcode, there was a spot where it moved the head down instead of up and that was breaking Marvin loose. Oddly, it didn’t do that on all other prints, but did it every time I used slic3r to process something spherical.