Hey all. New to the Robo and 3D Hubs. I got my R1+ today and have been trying to print marvin, but all of the underneath parts look all rough and “melty”. I tried lowering my extruder temp from 210 to 200 (as suggested in the marvin PDF), but it still looks the same.

Any thoughts?

Robo 3D R1+ with PLA.

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Are you printing with supports (shouldn’t need supports), I have an R1 as well. Check if you fans on while printing it may not be cooling fast enough.

Better cooling will definitely help so you could print out a fan holder to assist the filament with cooling. You could lower the temp a bit more so that it hardens sooner, try 185-190C. I believe you should be able to print with those low temps as long as it doesn’t get cooled down past 180C, at which the printer will stop printing to prevent jams. I have a Robo R1 and I use a fan from thingiverse.


Do R1+'s come with cooling fans standard?

No I turned supports off. Fans seem to be fine?

Interesting, thanks. I will check that out!

I just tried at 195 and almost no filament came out, so I canceled the print. Thought I’d try a different filament, but when I attempted my (first) unload, the filament seems to be stuck… sigh.

Yes there are two.

Hmm, if it’s jamming at 195C then just keep it at 200C. What’s the fan power set to?

Use fans on, maybe increase your “minimum time per layer”. If you have a heated bed, make sure it’s turned down (60c gets too hot… I keep mine @40C for PLA).

Try different filament – each color seems to have it’s own sweet spot. I’ve had issues with MicroCenter Grey and Silver filaments (no matter what temp, you can get a few layers, but then it jams), but the rest seem to work ok.

When removing filament, I usually go to “Preheat PLA”, and it can be pulled cleanly out at ~100-120C, without leaving remnants in the chamber.

Try printing a “tower” next to the Marvin. By tower I mean just a cylinder a little taller than the Marvin, this moves the hot end away from the print for a few seconds so the print cools, see if this helps good luck

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Silly question I guess but do I have to hold back the little lever when removing the filament (the one you pull back when loading it)?

I preheated the extruder and pulled on the filament, but it’s not budging.

Many thanks, I will try that.


I got am email with your comment, but now here there’s just a “.” - did you delete it on purpose or was that a mistake?

I use repetier and heat up the nozzle, run it 10mm foward (extruding) and then in reverse. I pull it when its in reverse and it comes right out. No use of the lever.

Do you have a picture of your marvin?

Yep, attached.

Looks like my extruder is clogged… just talked to tech support and they had me try a few things but the filament is not budging. Not sure what to do next, but I sent them some pictures of the inside of the latch. Bunch of ground up filament in there.

I didn’t change anything fan-wise. In Matter Control it’s set to “On” and says 255%…

Are you using Matter control to print? Are you printing without support,

Try using a different program to print like Simplify3d to see if it’s better