Hello, Im trying to install makerware from sd that came from qidi tech on my laptop (windows10), and it keeps saying NSIS: Error launching installer. Please help. This is my first printer. Thanks, Eddie

Skip makerware and download Flashprint. Choose the Creator Pro as the printer. It will do much better to get started with.

@wirlybird thank you so much. I will download it now.

The Makerware/Makerbot software included with your printer works quite well with the QIDI printers. It’s the only desktop software I’ve found that actually recognizes the printer accurately and adjusts bed dimensions and other settings accordingly. Admittedly, I haven’t used the Flashprint software wirlybird suggested, but Flashforge’s website was throwing errors whenever I tried to download the software to try for myself.

The error you described when trying to install MakerBot desktop sounds like a corrupted file. QIDI’s tech support has been amazing, so I highly recommend contacting them via their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/QIDITECH/about/?ref=page\_internal. They’ll likely be able to assist you in a fresh download of the software.

@jedimasta they emailed another download and I’m still having problems. Its saying its installed but its not. it shows up in my app/program file but it just takes me to makerbot website, and it wont uninstall. I’m gonna try and temporary disable my antivirus and install it again.

Here is a link for the download.
