
I’m using a MakerBot Replicator 1 with Simplify3D software. I am trying to print a simple object using only the right extruder. Once the nozzle reaches the desired temperature, it remains stationary. It holds the temperature steady but does nothing beyond that. The left extruder is set to 0, so it should not be an issue here. Disabling the left extruder altogether has no impact.

Disabling the script to wait for a steady temperature causes it to print immediately regardless of the extruder’s temperature.

Please advise on how I can resolve this issue.

- Daniel

EDIT: The issue is resolved. Disabling the check for a stable temperature and preheating the extruder got it printing again.

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Whats the extruder temp set to? I assume the heated bed is reaching temp since it doesn’t heat the extruder until after its heated the bed. Make sure you have the Rep 1 profile selected in the S3D settings, it almost sounds like a problem with the gcode, but does it fully operate otherwise? If you go into utilities and select jog can you move all the axis and everything works?

I would try Makerbot Desktop and slice a file with that and try printing just to see if everything works with the Makerbot software as a troubleshooting step.

Also, i have had weird problems printing from USB with S3D and only use SD Cards now to print, are you using a card or usb to print?

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One other thing, make sure your printer is updated with the latest firmware, version 7.5 seems to work the best for me with S3D. I have three Rep 1’s and do all my slicing in S3D. So if you need any settings or such i can relate that info to you from a working setup.

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The extruder is set to 200C. I got around the issue by preheating the extruders and disabling the check for stable temperatures. I’ve since run into a new issue:

When printing initially the active cooling fan that is set up worked fine. Since I’ve started printing with both extruders the fan refuses to work properly. It is set to 0% for layer 1 and 100% for layer 2. When I leave the g-code unaltered the fan does not turn on at all. When I changed the code to M126 S255, the fan turns on for the initial lines drawn (to wipe clean the extruders) but turns off right after that.

The jog controls work well. Even the fan can be turned on before a print starts. However, it stops at the same place each time and doesn’t turn back on through the controls after that.

I have been connected via USB, tomorrow I will try a SD card.