Preparing to print bronzefill for the first time, any advice?

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Hi there!

I print with Bronzefill fairly regularly and it prints a lot like normal PLA (nicer actually). Start printing around 215 degC, and definitely make sure the fan is on! It holds heat better than normal PLA does because of the metal, so it tends to get a bit mushy if the part is small. Like PLA, it can print without a heated bed, but definitely works better with aheated bed (I set around 60 degC).

It does tend to clog the nozzle very quickly, so make sure you unload the filament after printing.

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Hei thanks for the tip! I really appreciated it

No problem at all! Best of luck!

Purchase an additional nozzle. Brassfill will wear a nozzle very quickly.

Ah yes, forgot to mention this. Hardened steel nozzles will last a good long while with just about any filament you throw in them, but the stock nozzles that come with most printers are brass, which abrasive filaments (like BrassFill, TimberFill, and anything with Carbon Fiber) will wear away very quickly.

I second the ‘upgrade to steel nozzle’ … The metal filled PLA wears out your nozzle very quickly. I wish Aleph Objects would switch to all-Steel construction for the Hex.