Hi all,

I use 3Dhubs to print loudspeaker cabinets and now that I’m getting close to spending £1,000 on prints I’m starting to think about buying a printer for myself. I don’t need anything to be too clever. I print in PLA.

I am mostly interested in buying a fully assembled printer that can do 400mm x 400mm x 400mm.

There don’t seem to be many options, and very little in the way of reviews on this site. A couple of machines I have found are:

Wombot Modus

Formbot T-Rex 2

A fully assembled Modus looks like it will cost me around £1,500 including shipping, which is about the budget I’m looking at, but could probably stretch it to £2,500.

Any experience or ideas would be greatly appreciated.



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Formbot has much better parts like ball screws on the Z axis, and linear rails in the Y axis. The X axis still uses derlin wheels, witch I don’t like, but should do the job.

I am helping to a guy in the US who purchased the formbot printer and its works fine, but still have issues with the walls of the prints not having smooth (even after replaced the belts and lot of other tweaks) but its must be printer specific unique issue.

Look at this price:



Even if you have issues with it and need some upgrades (new belts, hotend,electronics, proper linear rail for X axis) will not cost more 300 USD to upgrade and will give you wounder full prints for sure.

One more thing forget PLA use PETG, thank me later…




Thanks T

The density of PETG certainly is attractive for my use. I’ll give it a go.



Easily it is Formbot T-Rex 2 . and it has an active community in Facebook where you can get help from Engineers as well as product owners.

Wombot Modus is not worth for 2500GBP or more