Hey community members,

I started this X-Wing print on my Anycubic Kossel today: Star Wars X Wing Fighter by 660 - Thingiverse

After 5 hours or so i noticed some heavy under-extrusion seen in the picture.

The other party of this model was fine. Inside i noticed a lot of heavy, thick stringing.

I printed in PLA at 210°C/60°C, 45mm, 10mm retract at 25mm/s, .1 layers.

A4988 drivers are properly set and the extruder is calibrated. I used a fresh version of cure, but with the same settings (I set up a custom machine instead of using the Delta Bot profile)

Thanks for any help in advance.

looks like a clog or possibly heat creep. Double check the fan hookup on the trigorllia board. I have mixed them up before. And do a cold pull. Good luck!

Hey, thanks for your input. Fans are all running. This was a two part print so the failure should show on the other part to, but it did not. I started a 0.2mm print and it went fine but failed later on. I’ll try to unclog the nozzle, there may be some burnt PLA because I uses Asa before, maybe it didn’t purge all.