When I load the SD card into the printer, it only recognizes .g files, but when I try to save my design the only options available to save as are ".fpp, .stl, . obj, .3mf

Any ideas?

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This doesn’t really make any sense. You load an STL into the software and then slice it. You then have to send it to print which in FlashPrint should open a save dialog then pick the location.

I am not in front of FlashPrint so I can not re-create the steps right now but could later today.

FlashPrint Automatically saves as .x3g files, I agree, this doesn’t make sense.
Actually, there is no other option than .x3g in the files dropdown on save, not in my version of Flashprint.
See the Picture attached

Flashprint was designed specifically for FlashForge, so it only outputs the x3g format. fpp is an editable format. Like psd for photoshop.

This thread was confusing. I think that the original question should have said:

How do you save an .x3g from Flashprint?

He is trying to save a file and put the file on an SD card. But when he chooses “File>Save as”, he doesn’t have the .x3g choice to save the file. He only has the choices: .fpp, .stl, . obj, .3mf

I ran into the same problem. Those answering the question are saying the opposite. They say that the only choice to save is .x3g. The picture file uploaded in one of the replies answers the question. The people responding are using “Print>Print>Ok” which saves the file as an .x3g file.

Not sure why it’s not clear in the FlashPrint documentation/google, but

  1. click print (at the top with the 3 boxes for options)

  2. specify your printing conditions, leave the print when slice done unchecked

  3. click OK, it’ll bring up a prompt to save a .gx or .g file.

this explained a lot more to me