Hi I just got a 3-D printer but I have a problem my one friend who helped pay for this for me he believes in me a lot and he is a active cosplayer and he asked me to do a job for him he wants me to make kaiba card locket from the show yugioh i got the part Where you put the picture but i need to put a hinge on it and i dont no how to make a hing or whut kinda hinge do i put in this is my first design i have ever mad in 123d and i dont want to let him down i fee; bad that i dont no how to make this can you help me ple hear is a pic of the object he want me to make https://www.google.com/search?q=yugioh+kaiba+card+locked&newwindow=1&biw=1517&bih=741&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5r6yi2ZjKAhXFCBoKHYLyCXsQ_AUICCgD&dpr=0.9#newwindow=1&tbm=isch&q=yugioh+kaiba+card+locket&imgrc=G485o_MMbE68bM%3A

When you do the 3D models you could put pins on each end of the locket door, that will slot into matching receptacles on the locket frame.

Were you able to find a way to get your hinge to work?