I Just finished putting together my 3d printer, however when I print the models pre-installed I run into these issues

-extruder starts extruding prior to starting the print and must be wiped before starting print

-issues getting the plastic to adhere to the aluminum base

-plastic extruded thickness is variable and super thin

-due to the issue above, the structure of the innards are blotchy and stringy

Is it the chinese plastic that came with the printer?

The extruder has a wobble that I am mending due to taughtness of bearings against the two horizontal bars

The speed?

The heat?

The level is perfect, i slide a single piece of printer paper at all four corners under the extruder at those points

Please save me!!!

Did I miss it here but what printer are you talking about?

http://m.ebay.com/itm/252005310184?\_mwBanner=1 This is it!

-extruder starts extruding prior to starting the print and must be wiped before starting print

This can be an issue on any FDM printer as the plastic already in the hotend heats up and extrudes out of the nozzle. This is called oozing. To help, I make sure to retract a little bit before starting a print to reduce the amount of oozing. I always use a skirt (prints lines around the main part) to prime the nozzle before it starts on the main part.

-issues getting the plastic to adhere to the aluminum base

I have a glass bed so not sure what I can recommend for aluminum, but I would recommend googling around and seeing what others do, I think tape is a popular choice.

-plastic extruded thickness is variable and super thin

You said that everything is level, but you might have the nozzle too close to the bed. Try backing it off a little and see what happens.