Hi everyone

I own a Zortrax M200 3D printer and since yesterday when i switch on the device, i have this msg “error #030 check small build platform”.

I tried searching at Zortrax support and manual but nothing is there.

Please Help URGENT

Never had this problem. Check all your wiring otherwise contact Zortrax support

Is the nozzle touching the buildplate? If so move it so it isn’t and then turn on your printer. If that’s not it mamake Sure your build plate is plugged in all the way. Thats about all I can think the problem may be.

normally when I get this message it is the small connector to the build platform that is not connected poperly. you also get the message if you plug them in after switching on. so make sure you plug them in then switch it on not the other way round.

Same Advice, I would make sure the cable is properly connected at the Top, Make sure cables on bed are attached, and last but not least, I would reformat my SD Card, and upload the update.bin file again, just to be sure, actually I would try that first…


Looks like heatbed cable has been damaged somehow. Contact us using Support form - Zortrax

If everything is in place and platform wasn’t damaged. You need to replace it. Some platforms are defective and fail with no reason

Thanks for the advices.

I tried but nothing seems to work. Probably I will need to change the platform plate and change the cable aswell

Right now I disconnect the small connector of the platform. The message is: Check build plaform small connector and re-start the printer" but nothing of the “error 030” Try to check the small welding joints in the small connector of the platform. Usually I notice that is probably to damage un-intentionally when we try to remove some parts of the first anchor layer. If nothing happens contact to zortrax support. I had have troubles with a sd memory and marcin.ranczuch@zortrax.com help me.
