I just got SLA machine from 3D Systems and i am running Accura ClearVue. my problem is that the suggested post processing cleaning agent is isp (alcohol) and safety is throwing a fit about using large quantaties of isp (more than a spray bottle is a problem). my question is…what can i use in our ultrasonic tank to remove the residue prior to uv curing besides ipa?I was told TPM solution will work on other 3D Systems materials but not with Accura ClearVue as it clouds the parts and we want optically clear parts, any suggestions??

We used a water based washing solution offered by Green Power. It worked OK. But we found that it gets inefective quite fast and it is very thick. Right now we use Methyl Hydrate, Which may not be helpful for you because it is alcohol too. We run several SLA machines here and I will be happy to share with you our experience. Drop me a line.



Everithing to clean up it’s a solvent, as you have to remove a liquid resin. You should try with a solution of water, soap and ISP in minimum quantity, but be ready to change the solution many times.

We can use small amounts of ISP such as in small squirt bottles but my goal is to find a safer alternative to isp that will effectivly remove the residue and can be safely used in an ultrasonic tank(keep in mind that i would like to utilize our ultrasonic tank which will require appx 50 gallons)

Hi Brant,

Could you store your isopropanol in several small bottles? Or dilute it with water 50:50 or more so that it’s no longer flammable? Just need to satisfy them safety people.


Keep your ultrasonic tank with just water. Put your part in a separate bag with IP in it. Put the bag in water. It’ll be fine. Also in terms of toxins if you use a ventilation mask for fume protection you’ll be fine regardless. Wear rubber gloves.

Do not use water to post process SLA parts as they will never get clean that way, TPM does work well but after the TPM you use IPA to clean the TPM off. I use a mix of 70% IPA and 30 % acetone which leaves your parts clean. Also just break your containers into smaller containers. Again do not use water to clean SLA parts, might even damage the surface of the parts…