Im getting a k8200 bechause it is the most reasonably priced kit that is available in Norway. (Customs want 25% in import charges if i bougth anything from outside Norway) anything that i should prepared for/be on the lookout for?

I hope that you do not have any problems with your new printer but I would be prepared for some which have been mentioned on various forums. I would say that a glass bed is a must so that your prints will stick and also be very careful with the white PTFE part they break very easily. I have had lots of problems with mine and found that Velleman are very unhelpful although the Velleman forum is a good place to find answers from other people.

k8200 is good for start only. somewhere on this site it is already exist big discussion about it.

I have the k8200 now for two years and in the beginning I went nuts!

very important is the calibration of the heated printbed, which I use with a mirror.

play with print speed and different temperatures for the filament, but pla never too hot because then it will burn in the extruder. Then you have to clean it and that is a lot of work extra. I also recommend the stand alone display! While printing you can adjust everything! Very nice!

have fun with it.

K8200 is a good printer generally, if you need to search for solutions you can look for 3drag it is the same printer.

When you have built the printer be prepared to make adjustments, the design and material used have some problems.

Do not be discouraged though the original parts will work to start of, many improvements can be done by downloading better parts from thingiverse and upgrade the printer part by part making it better in steps it is a reprap after all :slight_smile:

One bad problem velleman had with the K8200 was the pulleys for x/y belt they were eccentric, contacting seller or velleman will solve that or you can actually print the pulleys and it works fine that’s what i did.

Every printer is different especially when you get them as a kit, expect problems but there is always a solution for it and you learn something in the process :slight_smile:

As a side note for future use, with upgraded extruder, heatbed, Z-axis and X-Y belts the printer is very good. Also being a fixed Z head you can convert it to use rotary tools to carve wood/PCB etc.

I do not advice this printer if You do not want to rebuild it from scratch, throwing away some scrap such as extruder head and so on. Also quality of some parts is awful (some motor couplers are not in center) and difficulty in assembly. Also it have numerous constructional drawbacks. See something like this

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