Hi, excuse my english,

I m testing the Fuel 3D scan for the scool Im teaching in…

I find it not easy to use: the picture are capricious to be well done, croping is a very long and unfunny task, and stitching the scans is difficult and (so far) i was unsuccessful to get it realy wright !

But the worst is that the documentation for the scan is almost inexisting.

i mtrying to get off thaty issue:

I’m able to export an OBJ with normal texture map while dealing with a single scan.

But after stiching sevral scans together the export option is disabled?!!

I can export the mesh but no texture will be created.

am I missing something?

is there a way to export a texture for the stiched mesh?

Thank you very much for any answer.


I am Josh from the support team at Fuel 3D. Great to hear that you have been using our technology in teaching, which is a great area for us :slight_smile: Do you have an email address so that I can open up a support ticket and go through these issues with you?

Kind regards,
