I would like the opportunity to setup a printer that could print at a loss. Allow printers to be set lower than $5 for the setup and under the $0.20 for filament. I know this sounds backwards, but having the ability to setup a printer for a particular event and dropping the cost to the end user may push sign-ups.



Hey Mike, just a thought: we’re working on bringing generated discounts for hubs, maybe this will work for you?

This is a really good idea, gives your hub more pricing freedom and the ability to give good clients an incentive to keep coming back.

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I would still like to have the flexibility to adjust the finial price.

I’m also interested in your approach but in a different way. I will post it above.

Feature Request – Vouchers

Having the ability to hand out single use voucher at events would entice people to sign up and make a first print for free or at a reduced price. This would lower or eliminate the entry barrier.

How this could work;

A Hub would deposit a dollar amount into a 3Dhubs voucher account (lets say $250.)
The hub would then print out 10 unique vouchers @$25 (this would drop the voucher account to $0)
Once printed, the Hub is responsible for distribution and security of the vouchers. If they are lost stolen or never redeemed, that would be a loss to the Hub. 3DHubs would be responsible for the security of the unique voucher number.
The new user would create an account
Upload a .STL to print
Apply the voucher on checkout (total print cost $35 - $25 voucher) the remaining balance would be charged to the user.


The voucher idea may work well for incentives to good clients

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Hi @Mike_Walker, in the interim you as the Hub can edit the cost of the print to $0, once an order has been submitted.

Thanks Nikki, I did not realize this was an option. It does answer my initial want, but having the vouchers to drive member sign ups would be great too.

true indeed! @Brian seen this?

The possibility of printing vouchers sounds great.

But the way you described a hub would make a big loss if the voucher is never redeemed.

Maybe solve it in a way that there is no initial cost for the hub but it pays the 3DHubs fee if a voucher is redeemed?

Or maybe 3D Hubs would be so kind and drop that fee for these vouchers?

I agree, in fact when I originally wrote this up I had the voucher account getting debited every time a voucher number was used. This would keep the hub’s money in a voucher pool. I backed away because of the extra tracking that 3DHubs would have to do like; tracking an expiration, and tracking the voucher pool.