
I try to print with dual extruder, left extruder = 0.6mm (flexible filament that requires 0.6mm) and the right 0.4 mm (PVA). Cura allows me to give just one extruder size, is this failure of the s/w? What can I do?

Hi there!

I know this can be done in Simplify3D (fairly certain) but since Cura is a free program it may lack this feature. This might be a hack but you could try increasing the extruder multiplier if you’re only printing support with the PVA?

Thanks, MSdesignCo!

It appears to be so that the Simpify3D is solution to all the slicing issues… I guess I’ll give it a try.I have tested another commercial s/w, Creatr 2.1 (by Materialise), bundled with some Leapfrog printer models. Being a commercial s/w with same price than Simplify3D, the Creatr 2.1 has been a major disappointment to me: Lacking features, programming fails and just not so sophisticated user interface than a commercial s/w should have.

Yes, I’m printing support with the second extruder and yes, the same hack came into my mind and I print with multiplied extrusion. Now printed hrs (out of 10 hours), will report how it went.