I am looking to build a filament extruder to produce filament for a 3D printer, but I can’t find any decent instructions anywhere on-line. Does anyone know where I can find some?

I have a decent understanding of what parts are needed, I just can’t find any good assembly instructions.

Thanks in advance, Aaron :slight_smile:


I am also making a recycling machine and hope to give other hubs the opportunity to recycle their unused prints and extra support that just seems to keep piling up. Here’s a link to the extruder I am working on. Hope this helps.


Hi Aaron,

There is some good documentation on filament extrusion on appropedia at http://www.appropedia.org/Recyclebot. We will be releasing the (semi-industrial) extruder we use to produce our filament (www.reflowfilament.com) shortly. Let me know if you want to be updated on that ;).



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Complete building instructions on http://preciousplastic.com/ by Dave Hakkens, Helmond, Netherlands.

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