So I successfully printed from the SD card the file containing the Empire State building, however, now when I go to print from SD again, the printer kicks out my filament and gives me a change filament message. I don’t wtf the issue is.

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check if in the begin of your gcode the slicer puts “E92 E0” which reset the extruder length.

I have similar problems. If I stop a print because of an issue, then start a new one sometimes it ejects the filament then starts trying to print dry.

Have you tried to slice the model with another slicer?

Do you have the latest 4070 PRO? The newer 4070’s have a filament sensor. If you look inside the printer near the “ceiling” there is a small black box where the filament will travel through. It is in front of the inside spool holder.

Thanks everyone, turns out it was the filament sensor. Thank you for your feedback.